Shl Numerical Reasoning Test Answers Download

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SHL tests include verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, inductive reasoning and mechanical reasoning, amongst other variants. The tests are popular with employers because they’re an efficient and low cost way of filtering out candidates who don’t meet the minimum technical ability levels needed for a specific role.

The SHL numerical reasoning test is designed to test your mathematical skills under pressure. If you’re applying for a position in sales, consulting, analysis, finance, or high-tech, to name a few, you’ll need to know how to manipulate figures, read charts, and analyze data. While you may have ample experience in your field, the quickest way for an employer to weed out unsuitable candidates is through a simple screening assessment.

  1. Answers and xplanations to JTP's ree SHL-style Numerical Reasoning Test Dear Candidate, The test you have just completed provides a free glimpse to some of the many practice questions found in our online preparation packs for CEB’s SHL-style tests. In this PDF you will find answers and detailed explanations to the test.
  2. Access Free Shl Questions And Answers SHL Tests: 6 Smart Tips To Pass Every Time (+ Practice Test) Answers and xplanations to JTP's ree SHL-style Numerical Reasoning Test Dear Candidate, The test you have just completed provides a free glimpse to some of the many practice questions found in our online preparation packs for CEB’s SHL-style tests.

If you’ve been asked to take the SHL numerical test, then have no fear. We’ll review everything you need to know to ace the test, impress the hiring manager, and land the interview of your dreams.

What Is the SHL Numerical Reasoning Test?

The SHL numerical reasoning assessment is a psychometric assessment designed for graduates and job-seekers looking for work in analytical fields. Composed primarily of tables and graphs, this exam will see how well you can interpret data and make calculations. Far from a test of your theoretical abilities, this assessment will see how well you’ll perform on the job when presented with important information.

So, don’t worry. You won’t have to dust off your calculus notes from college. You will, however, need to show that you can work quickly and accurately under pressure. After all, miscalculations, no matter how minor, could pose a serious risk for companies that manage sensitive assets. If they’re going to bring you onto their team, they need to know that they can rely on you to work conscientiously and diligently.

How to Prepare for an SHL Numerical Reasoning Exam?

Rather than pulling out your old college textbooks, that is, assuming you haven’t sold them off already, you should complete some SHL numerical reasoning practice tests. Review is always helpful, but unless you’re reviewing questions from the actual test, your preparation won’t be very effective.

Chances are, you already know all of the information you need for the exam already. If you don’t, we’ll review most of it below. That being said, the material won’t be your biggest challenge. Time will be. With a few notable exceptions, psychometric exams are always timed. You’ll need to learn to take shortcuts, eliminate wrong answers, and estimate quickly if you’re going to beat the clock and earn a top score. The more practice questions you complete and then review, the better chance you’ll have of acing the test. Just make sure to go back to check over your answers and see that you’re working as efficiently as you possibly can be.

Reading Graphs & Tables on SHL Tests:

Graphs and tables may seem intuitive, but you’d be surprised at how many careless mistakes you can make if you’re not paying attention. Before you even begin to read the question, you should make sure to take account of each of these points.

  1. Format:
    Not all graphs and tables are designed to be user-friendly. Make sure you’re familiar reading information presented in different forms. Besides the standard line and bar graphs, you should also know how to read histograms, pyramid charts, scatter plots, spider charts, and stacked area charts to name just a few.
  2. Scale:
    Not all graphs use the same scale, and many of them even use more than one scale. It’s important that you note the scale right away so you don’t misread the values. For example, a graph might use a scale of one, but it might also use a scale of ten. A line graph might use a scale of 5 along the x-axis and a scale of 10 along the y-axis depending on the data. You’ll also want to make sure you notice breaks in a graph. A graph might start at zero, but if there’s a break in the graph, it will quickly jump to a much higher number.
  3. Units:
    Never forget to note the units. If your brain is in meters but the values are shown in centimetres, then your calculations will be completely off. In fact, psychometric screening questions know this, and sometimes test writers will pick a strange unit intentionally just to see if you’re paying attention to details. This is true for tables as well. Sometimes the entries will be given in thousands, for example, so while you may read $1,400, the actual value will be $1,400,000.

Mathematical Calculations:

The SHL numerical reasoning assessment won’t require you to do anything elaborate. Realistically, the questions on the test will require you to recognize these terms. So, here’s a brief description of each one. You might encounter other concepts and ideas on the test, but these five terms will provide you with a solid foundation.

  1. Ratios:
    Ratios tell you how two values relate to each other. For example, if the ratio of men to women in a room is 1:2, then there is one man for every two women. So, if there are 60 people in the room, approximately 20 of them will be men and 40 of them will be women. Ratios can be written with a colon, fraction, or a simple “to.”
  2. Percentages:
    Percentages, decimals, and fractions are all very similar, but because percentages are always written as a value out of 100, they’re easy to visualize. When taking the SHL numerical reasoning exam, you might be asked to find percent increase and percent decrease.
  3. Mean:
    The mean is the average. To find the average, you’ll need to add up all of the figures and divide them by the total number of values given. Be particularly careful when calculating the mode for histograms. Remember that the number of items is usually given on the right and the value is given on the bottom. You’ll have to multiply the terms on the x- and y-axes when calculating the mean.
  4. Median:
    The median is the middle number of a series. While in many cases the median and the mode are similar, they need not be. The median won’t tell you though if the aggregate of the higher numbers in the list are six times the value of the sum of the lower numbers. So, if the median is significantly higher or lower than the mode, you can tell that there’s probably a few outliers or inconsistencies in your data.It can be difficult to find the median from a graph or table. Since time is your enemy on psychometric exams, listing out all of the values on paper is a big mistake. Instead, calculate the total number of entries and simply divide by two.
  5. Mode:
    The mode is the term that appears the most frequently. If each entry is unique though, you won’t have a mode.

SHL Scoring:

Unlike on most psychometric assessments, job-seekers and graduates will be scored on the curve. That is to say that your raw score won’t actually matter that much. Instead, you’ll be compared to other people taking the same test you are. While this shouldn’t affect your preparation all that much, keep in mind that if the test is particularly difficult, it will be difficult for everyone. Your results won’t suffer just because the questions are harder, or easier, than normal.

SHL’s Numerical Reasoning Tips:

Still worried about the SHL numerical reasoning screening test? You shouldn’t be! Before heading out to the assessment centre, read our expert tips. If those still don’t calm your nerves, try our three SHL practice questions on the practice tab to test out your skills.

  1. Estimate
    A careful calculation will usually get you to the right answer. However, it may not be the most effective way to solve a problem. More often than not, you’ll be able to quickly spot wrong answers with a ballpark estimation. Before you pull out your calculator, see how far you can get by rounding the figures.
  2. Mental Math
    The more math you can do in your head, the quicker you’ll be able to speed through the test. Sometimes you will need to write everything down, but you’d be surprised at how much you can solve without even picking up your pencil. This is especially true for percentages. Instead of plugging the numbers into the calculator, see if you can solve percentages in your head. You can easily find 10% of any value. Use that amount to find 5%, 15%, and 20%. You may need your paper to work it out from there, but in the meantime, you’ll probably be able to eliminate at least a few answers.
  3. Skipping Around
    On most exams, teachers will advise you to skip difficult questions and come back to them later. However, this is not always helpful on an exam like the SHL numerical reasoning exam. It takes a while to read and analyze a table or graph. If you skip a question, you’ll have to return to it later and read the graph again. This may seem trivial, but on a timed test, these seconds are crucial. If you do need to skip a question, make sure to mark an answer anyway in case you don’t have time to return.

Final Thoughts on the SHL Test Numerical

We hope that these tips and tricks have helped you to better understand what to expect on the test. Don’t forget to take our free SHL practice test questions on the opposite tab!

Shl numerical reasoning test answers download pdf

Do you need to take an SHL test for a prospective job? Prepterminal is here to explain exactly what you should expect.

Table Of Contents

How SHL Tests Work

Do you have an SHL test coming up? Chances are (if you’re reading this) that you’ll be taking one as part of a candidate screening process. Here’s the thing: SHL tests can be notoriously difficult and as much as you’ll want to find cheat SHL test answers, there are no shortcuts.

SHL are used by employers, universities, and more to screen candidates with their cost effective yet efficient psychometric testing. It makes sense – if you were an employer, you’d probably want to filter candidates who don’t quite have the technicality or skill needed for a role.

SHL assessments test mechanical comprehension, spatial awareness, verbal, inductive, and numerical reasoning. They also can be tailored to a specific job or department within a company. Looking for SHL test answers? Our course will prepare you with SHL practice test answers and a practice course that will help you ace the test and outperform any competition for the job.

Types of SHL Tests

SHL provides a wide variety of SHL tests and even produces bespoke tests for clients to meet specific requirements in employee screening. The main tests are:

Numerical Reasoning: These tests assess a candidate’s ability to understand and utilize numerical or statistical data. Data is presented to the candidate, who must use said data in order to answer a given question.

Verbal Reasoning: These tests assess a candidate’s ability to comprehend and critically evaluate passages of written information. Candidates are presented with a passage of information, and based upon the premise of the passage, must identify the truthfulness of given statements.

Inductive Reasoning: These tests assess a candidate’s ability to identify relationships between given items, using neither numerical nor verbal ability, instead making use of shapes or patterns in order to identify intelligence.

Mechanical Comprehension: These tests assess a candidate’s ability to understand and apply basic mechanical and physical principles, using questions based on various mechanical mechanisms and situations such as pulleys and belts, where the candidate must identify the correct answer based on their mechanical knowledge.

Spatial Awareness: These tests assess a candidate’s comprehension of spatial dimensions and ability to manipulate the spatial dimensions of shapes. Candidates are often required to answer questions about rotation or reflection, or they may be required to identify the correct 3d shape which would be created by 2d plans.

Situational Judgment: These tests are psychological assessments which examine a candidate’s judgment in presented work-based scenarios. With Prepterminal SHL practice test answers we can improve your scores on each SHL testing type!

SHL Test Questions & Answers

Prepterminal offers preparation packs for a wide range of SHL tests. We feature structured study courses comprised of text and video modules along with our practice questions containing detailed SHL practice test answers. We do this to facilitate both the learning and understanding of the content while benchmarking progress via mock SHL tests to track your improvement in an objective way.

After every mock test, you will be provided with knowledge on how to choose the correct SHL test answers, along with a guide that shows you how you can specifically improve your score. Get started now with our SHL test preparation packs and get one step closer to your dream job.

Below, you will find an example for each listed category of SHL test, with answers and explanations provided:

1. SHL Numerical Reasoning

Botten’s Bottles Ltd. Product Range
ProductsCost per Unit (USD)Sale Price per Unit (USD)Profit per unit (USD)
Coppice I7.41.90.312.93.3
Coppice II6.82.40.412.64

Question: If 100 USD were spent producing each product, which would be projected to yield the highest profit?

  1. Coppice I
  2. Coppice II
  3. Oakthorpe
  4. Kingshurst-A
  5. Kingshurst-S

Solution: First, we must identify the total input cost ‘c’ of each product. This is achieved easily by subtracting profit from sales price. The input costs are as follows:

A: 9.6
B: 8.6
C: 6.5
D: 17.5
E: 20
Now, we divide the money input ‘m’ by the cost of making the product ‘c’ to find the volume of each product ‘y’ one can produce with that amount of money:

m/c=yBx refinement vst download.

This yields the following volumes of production for each product:


A: 10.41
B: 11.627
C: 15.38
D: 5.714
E: 5
As one cannot sell a fraction of a product, we round down the number of products ‘y’ to the nearest whole number:

A: 10
B: 11
C: 15
D: 5
E: 5
Now, we multiply these values by the profit per product ‘p’ to reach the total profit ‘P’.

This yields the values:

A: 33.3
B: 44
C: 39
D: 12.5
E: 25

And so, this gives the answer: B, Coppice II yields the highest profit given a $100 investment.

2. SHL Verbal Reasoning

Example:“A certain high street restaurant finds it beneficial to employ temporary staff during the summer. Due to a combination of permanent staff seeking holiday time and others taking holiday leave in other professions the restaurant does not have the permanent staff available to meet the full demand. This manner of employment often attracts students who seek to save money in between terms, who may later return as well-qualified recruits for higher management roles in the organization. By ensuring that temporary staff are educated about the restaurant’s operation in as much depth as possible, the restaurant encourages interest in pursuing a full recruitment with the restaurant’s corporate office in future, depending on the subject the student has studied. Restaurants pay temporary staff the same per-hour rate as permanent staff, but without the entitlement to sick leave or bonus schemes.”

Statement 1: Temporary staff are hired at a 1:1 ratio to the number of permanent staff taking holiday time.

  • True
  • False
  • Cannot Say

Statement 2: If no restaurant staff took holiday time, the restaurant would not hire any temporary staff during the summer.

  • True
  • False
  • Cannot Say

Statement 3: Temporary staff are paid only for hours worked.

  • True
  • False
  • Cannot Say


Statement 1: Cannot say.The replacement ratio of permanent staff to temporary staff is not given, and the training of permanent staff cannot be taken into account or assumed as it is not outright stated in the test.

Statement 2: False. As the shortfall in staff comes from both staff taking leave and increased seasonal demand, there remains a shortfall even if no staff took leave. As a result, temporary staff would still be taken on if no permanent staff took leave, albeit a lower number.

Statement 3: True. As no sick leave or bonuses are afforded to temporary staff, they are paid only for hours worked.

3. SHL Inductive Reasoning


Which image is next in the sequence?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E

Aanswer E – Each new star is a different color to the previous star, and the colors switch with each new image. As the previous star to the right of the new star was orange and is now yellow, the new star is orange.

4. SHL Mechanical Comprehension


Question: Which wheels are turning clockwise?

  1. A, D, F
  2. C & F
  3. A, B, D, E
  4. None

Answer: C – As the belt is moving clockwise, the upper half is moving to the right and the lower half is moving to the left. The wheels contained within the belt rather than those on the outside will be pulled clockwise with the belt, while those on the outside will be pulled in the opposite direction. As A, B, D, and E are contained within the belt, they are turning clockwise.

5. SHL Spatial Awareness


/download-cooking-tycoon-mod-apk-android-1-com.html. Question: Which 2d shape forms the given cube when folded?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Answer: A – The three uppermost squares in shape A form the three visible faces of the cube when folded.

6. SHL Situational Judgement


Shl Numerical Reasoning Test Answers Download Free

You have been scheduled to meet with a client who has shown interest in buying from your company later today. Prior to this, you have asked a colleague from another team to provide you with the necessary presentation materials in order to effectively pitch the product. However, he has not sent the materials, and upon further investigation you learn that he had mistakenly believed these to be required next week, and has not prepared any of it at this time.

You arrive at his office and explain the situation in order to see if he can deliver anything in time for the meeting. He suggests that there are two options: he can either rush a presentation from scratch, potentially at the expense of quality, or he can try to modify a pitch presentation for the previous product in the same line in order to reflect the current product, though he is likely to make mistakes in his description of the product.


Select the answer that you would be most likely to choose and the one you would be least likely to choose.

Shl Numerical Reasoning Test Answers Download Pdf

  1. Allow your colleague to rush the presentation, and use the rushed presentation to meet the client.
  2. Ask your colleague to modify an existing presentation for an old product, and use the modified presentation to meet the client.
  3. Attempt to have the meeting postponed, and in your explanation to your superiors inform them that it was the fault of your colleague who had not prepared the appropriate material.
  4. Decline both offers and attempt to pitch the product without a pitch presentation.

As this is a situational judgment test, there is no outright correct response – it is the responsibility of the test-taker to gauge how the company would wish them to behave.

Numerical Reasoning Test Practice

Practice SHL Tests

The SHL practice test answers and questions on this page constitute just a small fraction of the questions that you should expect on each kind of test, and the difficulty in real SHL tests can vary greatly.

Want to up your game for the big test? Sign up to Prepterminal’s comprehensive SHL test preparation packs. We’ve created a full repertoire of SHL style practice questions and answers, along with module-based courses to fill out your understanding of the tests. Our practice exams prepare you for every type of SHL assessment.

Need SHL verbal reasoning test answers or SHL numerical reasoning test answers? We’ve got you covered. We use a combination of text and video-based guides to explain each test concept in-depth along with SHL practice tests in order to benchmark your progress.

Our test prep packs are a one-stop shop for test success. Don’t miss a potential opportunity!

Numerical Reasoning

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